总统 Bonner leading the walk of commencement.


乔·邦纳总裁 standing in front of Admin building outside.


小约西亚·罗宾斯·邦纳. was selected the fourth president of the University of 南 Alabama in November 2021 with a commitment to establishing 南 as the Flagship 墨西哥湾沿岸. Under his leadership, 南 has positioned itself as a top destination for a quality education and the region’s fastest-growing academic medical system.

Bonner has visited with students, teachers and college counselors representing more than 100 high schools throughout Alabama and along the Mississippi Gulf Coast; he has helped tell 南’s story to more than 8,500 prospective students.

With a focus on engagement, Bonner initiated Jag Days, bringing high school students to campus on 捷豹体育 buses for spirited VIP tours to see all 南 has to 提供. His upbeat message builds on 南’s journey of progress and renews its promise 致学生和他们的家人: A degree from the 十大彩票网投平台 is a first-class ticket to a brighter 未来.

Previously, Bonner served as chief of staff to Alabama Governor Kay Ivey. 更多的 than a decade, he represented Alabama’s First District in the U.S. 众议院, where he earned a reputation as a respected and influential voice of reason in both 阿拉巴马和华盛顿.

He was a member of the House Appropriations 委员会 and chaired the House Ethics 委员会. During Bonner’s time as chairman, the bi-partisan Ethics 委员会 always 全票通过.

His crowning Congressional accomplishment came in 2012 when Airbus announced plans 建造首个美国航空公司.S. 莫比尔总装线. 他得到了2美元.80亿的合同 for Austal to build 10 Littoral Combat Ships for the U.S. 海军.

总统 Bonner is an inductee to the Alabama Academy of Honor, the state’s premiere recognition of 100 living Alabamians for their outstanding accomplishments and service. He is also a 2023 graduate of Leadership Alabama, where he serves on their board. In 2016, the Business 委员会 of Alabama created the inaugural Congressman Jo Bonner 精神 of Leadership Award and honored Bonner as its first recipient. 他还收到了 the Distinguished Public Service Award, the highest honor the U.S. 海军赠予 a civilian, and has been named the 2023 Patriot of the Year by Mobile Bay Area Veterans 委员会.

总统 Bonner is married to the former Janée Lambert, of Mobile, and they are the parents of a daughter, Lee, and a son, Robins.