Corporate and Foundation Relations

Female student working on drone



Whether it’s access to expertise in your field, employee recruitment, providing quality healthcare or meeting your corporate social responsibility goals, USA is committed to fostering mutually beneficial relationships with our partners in business and industry. Navigating the many engagement opportunities with USA’s system can be daunting, but 我们是来帮忙的. 让你开始吧:

Philanthropy and Volunteering:


USA’s Corporate and Foundation Relations team would like to help you connect to the 十大彩票网投平台 and 美国健康. We can assist in arranging campus visits, introduce you to people and programs of your interest, navigate our procedures and policies and share information about your foundation with colleagues. 我们的办公室是 这是一个很好的开始.

Corporations and Foundations Relations Officer
(251) 341-4080

▼   For USA 教师 and 工作人员

USA’s Corporate and Foundation Relations team is dedicated to helping build and foster relationships with corporate entities as well as private foundations. 我们的办公室有 valuable connections and relationships throughout the Gulf Coast region and nationally. We can help you navigate the application process, determine whether your project or program is a good fit, introduce you to potential funders and help you steward relationships 现在的资助者.

当前的 资金的机会 with local and national foundations.


Corporations and Foundations Relations Officer
(251) 341-4080

650 Clinic Drive TRP III, Suite 1500