Finance Major Isn't All Business

Posted on September 28, 2020

高中时代的特雷·霍尔参观十大彩票网投平台时, 当他发现米切尔商学院(Mitchell College of Business)有12台彭博终端时,他印象深刻. “在那次采访中,”霍尔说,“我想,‘哦,我需要来这里.’” data-lightbox='featured'
高中时代的特雷·霍尔参观十大彩票网投平台时, 当他发现米切尔商学院(Mitchell College of Business)有12台彭博终端时,他印象深刻. “在那次采访中,”霍尔说,“我想,‘哦,我需要来这里.’”

#FreshmanFocus是一个关注南大新生的系列节目 阿拉巴马州.

当特雷·霍尔(Trey Hall)在彭萨科拉(Pensacola)读高中时,他参观了南方和北方 Mitchell College of Business.

Dr. 商学院院长鲍勃·伍德(Bob Wood)提到,该大学有一个财务计划 该中心拥有十几个彭博数据终端,密切关注着商业动向 news and the stock 市场. 

“所以我脱口而出,‘你有多少台这样的机器?” Hall says, laughing. “And he had a chuckle at my reaction. In that interview, I thought, ‘Oh, I need to 来这里.’”

在彭萨科拉,霍尔进入了西佛罗里达先进技术高中. He 他努力学习,成为十大彩票网投平台的米切尔学者.

When he isn’t studying, Hall enjoys bowling. For years, he’s worked and played at Cordova Lanes in Pensacola. 作为一名有竞争力的保龄球手,他对这项运动很认真, but has never managed to roll 300 for a perfect game. “The closest I ever came was bowling 280 in back-to-back games,” he said.

霍尔几乎每个周末都会回科多瓦巷的家. He’d like to start a bowling 他们还将与同城的对手斯普林希尔学院(Spring Hill College)竞争.

在莫比尔,霍尔从他高中最好的朋友的叔叔那里租了一个房间. 这是 close to campus, which is convenient. 在南, he works part-time as an IT assistant to a business professor.

他的父母对金融不太感兴趣,但他的祖父关注股票 市场. 当他十几岁开始兼职时,他们有过一次谈话.

“他说,‘儿子,你知道我拿第一份薪水做了什么吗? I bought stock in the 南ern Company,’” Hall said. “他说,‘你知道你要用你的 第一份薪水? Buy stock in the 南ern Company.我照做了.”

Eight questions for Trey Hall:

Do you have a favorite spot on campus?

“是的,谢尔比庄园. 我喜欢听喷泉的声音和外面鸟儿的叫声. I sit as far as I can under the trees and de-stress.”

How much of the rest of campus have you seen?

“Boy, have I gotten lost. 第二天,我在找工资单服务,没有 我不知道我要去哪里,而且我比我说的晚了半个小时. 最后, I stumble in, entirely by accident.”

How are your classes?

“我正在学习商业分析和财务会计,以及商业概论 and professional experience. And I’ve got introduction to drama. We’re reading a play called ‘The Red Coat.’”

What are some of your academic goals?

Academically, I want to major in 金融, possibly come back later for my 工商管理硕士, and minor in 历史. I'm really enthusiastic about 历史我对学习充满热情. I also could completely foresee 我参加了创意写作课或者其他有趣的课程.

And you write poetry?

“I picked it up about four years ago. 这是 kind of an emotional outlet, describing where I am at that place and time.”


这是一个十大彩票网投平台自律和精神控制的教训. I have serious problems 在网上学习,我现在还在学习,但被迫进入这种混合的环境 让我学会了适应这种情况,而在大多数情况下,我永远不会 我发现自己能更好地管理时间,并努力完成任务 done in a more timely manner.


“我可以给你这个宏伟的白日梦计划,但实际上,我希望 成为一名理财规划师,帮助人们管理他们的未来. That’s what I’d like 要做.”

填空. 南方是_______ .

特殊的. 在我参观过的每一所学校或我的朋友和家人去过的学校中, 南 has stood out and cares about its students. I truly feel welcome and excited 来到这里.

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