

Dr. 穆巴拉克Nusair, the new department chair for 酒店及旅游管理 at the 十大彩票网投平台, said the future of 南's program includes specializations 在专业上. 这里,Nusair站在莫比尔市中心的娱乐中心 district – a popular draw for both locals and tourists with restaurants, music and 活动场地和住宿. data-lightbox =“特色”
Dr. 穆巴拉克Nusair, the new department chair for 酒店及旅游管理 at the 十大彩票网投平台, said the future of 南's program includes specializations 在专业上. 这里,Nusair站在莫比尔市中心的娱乐中心 district – a popular draw for both locals and tourists with restaurants, music and 活动场地和住宿.

Dr. 哈尔顿·努塞尔,新任部门主管 酒店及旅游管理 at the 十大彩票网投平台, made his reputation as one of the most-cited 世界市场营销学者.

He taught and did research in the Rosen College of Hospitality Management at the University 这是全国最大的项目之一. 八年之后 in Orlando, Nusair spent eight years 在苏丹卡布斯大学 in Oman, where he was chair of the marketing department and then assistant dean for postgraduate studies 和研究.

Now he’s back in the United States, seeking a niche for Hospitality and Tourism at 南.

“We have to find a gap in the market with specializations 在专业上,” Nusair said. “Golf management, destination management, and digital marketing and analytics, these 是我们正在调查的事情吗. 机会是绝对存在的. 和 我们得到了政府的支持,这非常重要.

“我能看到我们在哪里找到我们的方向和定位. 我们正在努力提供 a high-flexibility program for students with two-year degrees, students who are already 正在工作,想要获得四年制学位. 我们希望能吸引20个 每年有30名学生参加这个项目.”

The tourism industry was flattened by the worldwide coronavirus pandemic, but pent-up 去年人们对旅游的热情有所增加. 酒店和度假村 满足需求,建立兴趣. 智慧增长是旅游管理的目标之一.

美国.S. 经济预计将增长8%.从2021年到2031年,美国将有300万个就业岗位 劳工统计局. 其中,1.900万个工作岗位——23个.占总数的1% 预计新的工作岗位将在休闲和酒店业.

 “This represents an opportunity to promote businesses and destinations,” Nusair said. “我知道访问 Mobile正在制定战略计划. 现在正是时候. 我们会回来的.”

Dr. John Kovaleski, interim dean for the College of Education and Professional Studies, 期待南方旅游管理的新领导.

“我们很兴奋地欢迎Dr. 努塞尔卡奥担任教授和系主任 在酒店和旅游管理方面,”Kovaleski说. 他是公认的热心人士 researcher and teacher-educator who is making considerable contributions to academia through his teaching, published research, and grant and service activities.

在中佛罗里达大学(University of Central Florida)任职期间. Nusair扮演了重要角色 in the development of and revision of various programs at the undergraduate, graduate 和博士水平. He currently serves as a regional editor for the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology and the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights.”


During his first week of the spring semester, Nusair was still in the process of moving 走进他的办公室. The wall of bookshelves behind his desk was bare except for a textbook, “数字营销”,这是他在十大彩票网投平台教的第一门课. “我接下来还要吃 他笑着说.

努塞尔是约旦人,他获得了博士学位.D. 在俄亥俄州立大学. 他成为了 a U.S. 他在中佛罗里达大学任教期间成为了美国公民. 他和妻子, 药剂师,有三个孩子. 当他不工作的时候,Nusair是一个电影迷 阿尔·帕西诺(Al Pacino)和一个足球迷. 他已经在期待2026年了, 当美国.S. 巴西是国际足联世界杯的举办地.


“我是一名守门员,”他说. “我喜欢冒险,我会不惜一切代价保护自己 我们的目标.”

After earning an undergraduate degree in administrative sciences from Yarmouk University in Jordan, Nusair completed two master’s degree programs at State University of New York, Stony Brook –  one in technological systems management and the second in management 和政策. After working for a few years in the IT industry, he returned to college 并获得了博士学位.D. 酒店管理.

努塞尔说,他一开始在俄亥俄州立大学攻读博士学位时很挣扎. 他不欣赏 学术研究和学术出版物的价值. 他的教授强调 这对他的事业有多重要.

“这是一个转折点,”他说. “但我是那种会承受压力的人 对我有用.”

Upon graduation, Nusair landed a job at the University of Central Florida. 他成为了 one of the most published and cited researchers on campus, and he remains recognized 今天是因为他的工作. 斯坦福大学的一项研究将他列为 世界市场营销学者连续两年获奖.

After several years in Florida, he accepted a faculty position in Oman. 他想要的 让他年幼的孩子在约旦离家人更近的地方长大. 他喜欢新的挑战 在苏丹卡布斯大学.

在阿曼,他的教学和研究获得了奖项. 他帮助苏丹卡布斯成为 the first public university in the Middle East to be recognized as an accredited member 欧洲质量改进体系.

With their children getting ready for college, Nusair and his wife decided to return 去美国. 南方的机会对他很有吸引力.

Nusair and professors in the department are collecting data and studying the market 在阿拉巴马州和墨西哥湾沿岸攻读旅游管理学位. 他得了10分 春季学期要关注的事情清单. 这些包括从 class schedules and transfer plans to flex initiatives and certification programs.

Nusair likes the idea of choosing a direction and building a program at 南.

“When I take a look at this program, and study the area,” he said, “I think there’s much to be done to improve the quality, the enrollment, and our study plan. 这是 我们的首要任务是什么.”


